As part of a product development push on WhatsApp Business, WhatsApp has launched a new local business directory in Brazil, the UK, Indonesia, Mexico, and Colombia. For now, WhatsApp users in the UK can’t see the directory functionality, but users in Brazil can, with testing initially starting in Sao Paulo.
WhatsApp Business launched in 2018 and allows WhatsApp users to chat directly with businesses. This became popular during the pandemic and is now part of Meta’s evolution into providing new offerings in eCommerce. With over 2 billion users, a business directory where users can, not only interact with businesses but also shop & buy from their product catalogue – this might be just the tonic for Meta after a tough period in 2022.
WhatsApp Discover Business will compete with Apple’s ‘Places on Maps’ in the ever-changing, location-based, marketing space.
This is how the business directory looks in WhatsApp: